The middle school program at Brunswick Academy supports students throughout their teenage years, fostering personal and intellectual development to prepare them for active and responsible engagement in a dynamic world.
Learning how to learn and critically evaluate information is prioritized alongside factual knowledge acquisition. Grades 6-8 feature departmentalized study, allowing for concentrated exploration of subject fields. Eighth-grade students receive credit for Algebra I, Computer Applications, Foreign Language, Intro. to Business, and PE 8, with each subject contributing one unit towards graduation.
Brunswick Academy’s Middle School provides a comprehensive curriculum encompassing reading/literature, spelling, language, mathematics, science, social studies, computer studies, foreign language, and physical education. Through purposeful inquiry, students are encouraged to develop a range of skills vital for effective learning and future educational pursuits.
In addition to subject-specific competencies, emphasis is placed on nurturing social, critical thinking, research, communication, and self-management skills. Our aim is to empower students to become confident, independent learners equipped to tackle the challenges of our rigorous curriculum.