January 2021

Dear Vikings,

Happy New Year and welcome back to campus! Through the challenges of navigating a pandemic we are fortunate that our students have had the benefit of learning and socializing with their peers on campus. I am thrilled that we were able to make that a reality! My outstanding colleagues have demonstrated dedication to their students by ensuring that each child continues to receive a quality education, regardless of the circumstances. Our students have persevered through the changes in their daily routines and shown incredible flexibility from which we draw hope for the future. They put a smile on our faces every day! Our Viking parents have also shown tremendous support of our Reopening Plan and the changes to our traditional routines. I appreciate the sacrifices you have made to accommodate the occasional change to our normal daily schedule and look forward to a time when you may safely rejoin us on campus.

Although we have had to reimagine our teaching and operations, we find joy in the fact that our children continue to grow and discover new things amidst the difficulty of dealing with COVID-19. Thank you to all of our faculty, staff, parents, grandparents, alumni, and other community members for working together to make this semester the best it could possibly be for our students.

With the new year we move forward with a renewed sense of purpose in providing our students an education that will serve them for the rest of their lives. In 2021 let us strive to teach our children the importance and the power in the education that they are receiving as a Brunswick Academy Viking. I wish each of you a year full of health, happiness, and prosperity!

With Love,

Brittney Weidman
Head of School

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